Transformers Prime: Odyssey [Fan-Written Series]

Since its conclusion in 2013, many have regarded the Transformers: Prime animated series as the pinnacle of storytelling for the Transformers brand. Arguably, few other Transformers series have met its standard for writing, production value, or artistic direction.  Transformers Prime: Odyssey is one humble fan's attempt to script a continuation of the beloved story and explore more of the Transformer's mythos within the context of Prime's vision.

It’s a Wonderful Strife! [The Owl House Fan Script]

Episode nineteen of the fan-written series, The Chronicles of Sir William. When infiltrating the Observer's lair, Luz and Hunter stumble into an alternate reality where Luz is a villain.   The Chronicles of Sir William Ch 19 It's a Wonderful Strife OPEN ON: INT. STELLAR OBSERVATORY, DARK ROOM Hunter enters a musty, cob-web filled room … Continue reading It’s a Wonderful Strife! [The Owl House Fan Script]

Part of Me [The Owl House Fan Script]

Episode eighteen of the fan-written series, The Chronicles of Sir William. Having gathered together the components of a spell that might cure Eda of her curse, Lilith decides to test it on herself... OPEN ON: INT. CLAWTHORNE FAMILY HOME - NIGHT Lilith is busy in her study, deciphering the images of the counter-curse she has … Continue reading Part of Me [The Owl House Fan Script]